Site and Support Updates
After a brief hiatus of helping Brightcove and Zencoder come together, I’m moving full time to developing and supporting Video.js. Thank you to everyone who has continued to commit code and help out in the forums.
As part of this move I’m trying to optimize the tools used for video.js project management and support. The first big change is that the forums are being replaced with Stack Overflow (tag with “video.js”) and Github Issues.
Over the last few years Video.js has become more popular than I ever expected, and at the same time Stack Overflow has come up as an incredible tool for supporting developer communities. So along with many other projects like Facebook, Android, and HTML5 Boilerplate, I’m excited to move support to Stack Overflow’s awesome tool and community. I’ll be leaving the forums up for bit but from here forward please post questions to Stack Overflow and use the “video.js” tag.
I’ve also begun cleaning up and organizing the Github Issues for Video.js, which previously existed, but issues were split between the forum and Github. If you find specific bugs with video.js please submit them there.
On the project management side of things I’ll be using Trello, and exposing boards so others can see the progress of development.
I’m also paring down the site and moving more complex sections to other services that can better handle them. I’ve already moved the blog to Tumblr, and I’m moving the docs to the Github repo, which has built-in docs formatting.
For those starting an open source project today, you can look at this as my guide to supporting an open source project. I wish I would have know to do all this when I started on Video.js.
More project updates coming soon.